Spring Rain

Spring Rain

I took a walk around my yard yesterday in spite of the rain. I discovered that I missed the bloodroot blooming but found the Jack-in-the-pulpit before I stepped on it. I was able to identify the juneberry bush so that it doesn’t get cut down when we do our brush clean up project.

I’m glad we didn’t get all of the garden planted. It’s cold and windy with even some snow here today. I wonder if the tomatoes I planted will be okay, or if I’ll have to start over. Either way, there are plenty more in my porch, ready to planted, and more in the green houses in town if there aren’t enough here for me, my mom, and sisters.

We had a double yolker last week. A grocery store egg is about 60 grams. The poor poor chicken.

Here’s the double yolker, a duck egg, and a more regular size chicken egg.

Jube wants to try growing okra this year. I know nothing about growing okra and I have no idea if it’s even possible in this part of the Earth, but we’re going to give a go. He set his seeds to soaking in the bottom of a cup–a couple times–and they kept disappearing. We were both puzzled. Once I even found them in the bottom of the sink. We tried putting them where no one would find them. Yesterday I heard a very consternated Rennie exclaim something along the lines of, “Who keeps putting those little round balls in in the bottom of the cup! What are they anyway?!” He was a bit grossed out to find them in a drinking glass. And with that he swooshed them into the sink–again. Mystery solved. When I exclaimed and explained what they were he felt so bad he dissolved into tears. Whereupon I had to tell him it was okay and he didn’t know. The seeds have been soaking now for a couple days because the weather turned cold and rainy. I wonder how long seeds can safely soak?

I candled the duck eggs this afternoon. Three of them weren’t fertilized. That leaves fourteen developing beautifully in the incubator. I went out to check on Little Bear’s duck eggs. Her eggs are developing slower and one of them has a detached air cell. I probably should give them to Goldie and let Little Bear sit on something more her size. In the end I want four or five ducks. At this rate I’ll have more than that. I suppose I should put as many of the eggs as I can under Goldie–but I’m not sure if I trust the chickens with my duck project. So far, I’ve been very favorably impressed with this little Magic Fly incubator. Yes, I have so many eggs in it right now that I have to hand turn the eggs throughout the day. So what? I live at home and can.

Honestly, I’m not sure what I’m going to do with all these chickens come fall, let alone ducks. I have too many for my coop. So far they’re getting along fine. But there are six more in the brooder coop…what will I do when they’re ready to joint the big girls? I might need to sell some chickens before winter.

Saturday a week ago the children started their day with kittens in the sunshine on Havilah’s bed. Generally the kittens don’t belong in the house but as I was coming through the garage on my morning rounds I could resist bringing one into Havilah to wake her. Then Rian thought he needed one too. That day was lovely, working on projects and soaking in sun.

Happy Spring! May your gardens grow green and chickens lay prolifically.

2 responses to “Spring Rain”

  1. Francis Avatar

    Perfection in a post! Love the okra story! Carrie grew it last year, and I enjoyed it. I was hoping to try growing it too, but I forgot. Now my garden is planted brim full of other stuff, and I haven’t any room for it!


  2. Bev Avatar

    I grew okra in Sparta and it grew beautifully! I loved the flowers even though I didn’t enjoy eating it! 😊
    We keep getting snow here too and I’m wondering if any of my green things are going to survive 😞


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I’m Lisl

Herein lie the events, ponderings, people, and animals that make up the cacophony of our life.

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